My daily shave ritual with a Dovo Shavette has become very popular with my family. They're pretty bored by the pre-shave preparation and the application of the lather and all that, but when they hear me pick up the razor, usually closely followed by some serious cussing, they rush to the bloodroom, sorry, bathroom to watch the ensuing fun. Their favorite parts are the first few good nicks, the screams following the application of the Styptic pencil, and they're starting to develop an under and over line through Las Vegas on how many cuts I'll self-inflict. They've really gotten a little bloodthirsty about it lately, chanting loudly "One more pass, one more pass" and "Go against the grain, daddy, go against the grain". They really like for me to get a close shave, and I think it's cute the way they tell me to go for six passes, the last three against the grain. It's nice to know that they enjoy my daily ritual. I just wish they'd help me clean up the blood, but they don't seem much interested in that.