This may be a dumb question, but, hey, this is the newbies corner. Even though I've been using a str8 for years I haven't advanced very much and still consider myself a newbie.

A few years ago while doing some web research on str8s, I read an article that stated you should never use HOT water on the edge of your razor. Running your razor under hot water can make the edge thin out and feel sharper, but all the heating and cooling cycles, expanding and contracting can cause that fine fin edge to develop cracks and become susceptible to chipping off leaving you with a jagged edge (or causing you to have to hone more frequently). Now never being able to get a nice edge myself, I can't evaluate if that idea is true or not. I use hot water to rinse soap off my razor when shaving, but I always wondered if I was doing a disservice to my edge -- another factor contributing to poor results.

So what do you experienced honemeister guys think? Is this just myth and nothing to worry about?
