Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
Or a compromise would be a str8 razor with renewable blades. That gives you the str8 shaving experience with the convenience of a DE. You can get them from Feather, Dovo (Shavette- uses a variety of blades), Fromm (Fromm shaper blades of Hess (uses injector blades.

Another possibility would be an injector razor. Nationwide Campus will be selling adjustable and fixed head injector razors by the end of the month. They are modeled after the last ones that Schick made.
Just be careful about starting out with the feather with the interchangeable blades... that thing is sharper than hell and not a super great idea for starting out with a str8. Speaking from personal experience (yeah, I bought one to start with)... I traded mine to Joe and made us both happy.

-- Gary F.