Hey all,

I was referred here from Badger and Blade. I'm currently a DE shaver, looking to take up straight razors as a hobby. I'm interested in not only shaving with one (in fact I'd probably only use a straight to shave occasionally once I learned due to time constraints. I'd be saving the straight for more relaxed and luxurious weekends), but I want to really learn to maintain and care for straight blades. I think I could really grow to enjoy taking care of a precision instrument that I was actually going to use on myself.

In any case, here is my question. I'm currently looking around to purchase a shave ready straight (possibly from Joe Chandler) and I was wondering if there was anyone in the boston area (I hope this isn't weird) who would be interested in maybe giving me a stropping/honing/shaving lesson. I learn alot better in person than by trying to read these guides (I'm a little too visual a learner). My plan is to pick up a cheap blade on ebay to learn to maintain while I start learning to shave with a slightly nicer blade.

I'm only in Boston til August, then I move to Madison, WI so I could also take a tutoring there.

I'd be happy to pay for the lesson (though I'm on a student budget) or maybe treat my tutor to a nice lunch or something.

