ok so now i am about three months in and it is still almost impossible for me to have a good shave with out getting razor burn. here is what i do so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. i have this is issue with both straigt's and DE's so i start with a very hot shower, followed by a mixing my cream which i think is very good not to thick, not to thin but good enough to the point that it does not dry out so fast. i have the pre-shave oil as well but i stopped using it because i was getting better results with out it. i then do my normal 2-3 passes depends on how i am feeling never using any preassure just letting the weight of the razor do the cutting. i then rinse off with warm water, pat dry and give a splash of cold, followed by some lavender balm, with no alcohol. and then i usally go to sleep because i usally shave at night(more relaxing). and throw on some more blam in the morning. also to add i have just recently tried the alum block and the the burn is not so intense. and i dont know what else there is to do to help get rid of the burn. but i think there is one more problem i do not get the burn right after or the next day. the razor burn shows up almost two days after. thanks for any help