Ok, I'm one of those survivalist guys who picked up straight razor shaving as much for the self sufficient aspect as well as the fact that it will be cheaper than cartridges in the long run (DAMN YOU R.A.D. AND H.A.D.!!!!!!!!!!) back to topic.... I came across some survival literature that was printed back in like 1886 or there abouts and it had a section on straight razor use and up keep. Now, without boring you with the details, it said the actually reason for the linen side of a strop was to straighten the micro teeth first *BECAUSE* if you went straight to the leather every time, the micro teeth would tare at the leather and decrease its over all life by UP TO 45%

Now.....this document is clearly geared toward passing your possesions down to your children.....and your children's children....for every day use from you all the way to them.

Is this the truth? Is this the real intended purpose of the linen? I'm inclined to believe a document that was written during the times of our founding fathers..... But I want some modern day opinions as well.