If you have to strop before the end of your shave, then it's probably time for a professional bevel reset and honing. If you use too much pressure honing you can actually thin the metal just behind the edge itself, and that can lead to the edge crumbling. Stropping can correct some of that crumbling, or at lease make it feel corrected--for a very short while.

About those bits that just won't shave smooth, we all have them I think. Mine is my chin, especially the underside, where the barbs are coarsest and are also fairly dense. A single WTG pass won't do it unless the blade is pretty freshly honed, so I end up doing a little ATG buffing to clean up those coarse/dense bits.

In buffing, you don't lift the razor at all, you just put it on the skin, nearly flat to the skin, and go forward a quick millimeter, then back, then forward again, and advance forward through the tough spot. I get a good shave right away, but also end up with some little zits in that area over the next day or two. The buffing is a little irritating, so have some witchazel or similar potion at hand for a postshave splash.

Hope this helps...