I've been trying to learn by watching straight razor shaving videos and then doing a small portion of my face. Today I tried my chin and neck on either side of my adam's apple.
I now have several nicks and a bad case of razor burn on my neck. The preshave oil didn't seem to work. The alum block at the end was torture.
I shaved yesterday with a double edge and got a fine shave. Maybe it was too early.
Also, in the past when learning how to strop with my 3" strops (fabric and leather). I rolled in the wrong direction. So I don't know how forgiving my Dovo 5/8" razor is. I hope I didn't damage the blade already.
The biggest problem I am encountering is learning how to correctly shave the hairs to the right and left of my throat. The hair seems to grow almost horizontally and I can't seem to get in there before my hands start to shake. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm really beginning to see why this is called a "cut throat" razor. I try to use a very light touch and keep the angle close to 30". I really want to learn and refuse to give up.
Thank you all for your help.
Phil in northern KY