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Thread: Wow! First Shave and I'm Hooked... Now I have to get a second job!

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  1. #1
    Member texasrazorman's Avatar
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    Cool Wow! First Shave and I'm Hooked... Now I have to get a second job!

    Hello All,
    I just wanted to inform everyone that I had my first shave tonight with a straight razor and I am officially addicted! I manage to get away unscathed (at least for now.) The only problem I have to report is some very light razor burn. I will attach a video tomorrow for your amusement and laughter, although helpful guidance is always appreciated! (You can here my room mates playing "Call of Duty" in the background... pay no heed... they think I've lost my mind :P)

  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Congratulations. Feeding the addiction at this point is actually the opposite of helpful. You will benefit most by sticking with the razor you have for a while and learning how to use it well, then you can experiment with something different. The few variables, the better. Of course this is under the presumption that your razor is of good quality and well honed, and your strop is also good.

  3. #3
    Member texasrazorman's Avatar
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    Don't worry... I am quite happy to continue practicing with my Dovo Astrale! I am looking forward to exploring the shaving soaps, aftershaves, brushes, etc. That being said I might start purchasing some vintage straight razors for later use.

  4. #4
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    Welcome aboard and congrats. It truly is both an awesome and addicting feeling getting that first straight shave in.

    As others have said, stick with what you have and practice with it until you feel you are getting the best shave possible, then consider trying other things. Otherwise you are chasing after rabbits all the time.

    Vintage razors are a lot of fun. The hunt and the restoration are a blast. I shave with a Reppenhagen that's roughly 80+ years old. Great connection with the past.


  5. #5
    Member barrieduncan's Avatar
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    Welcome and congratulations on a successful first shave! How did you find shaving around and under the jawline, especially at the chin? My first shave went well, but a few weeks on I'm still trying to master the angles and strokes to get a nice close shave around those areas - especially on the second and third passes. Other than the sheer enjoyment and satisfaction you get from a traditional shave using a 'real man' razor, the sheer choices available for all the soaps, creams, aftershaves, colognes are what make this so addictive (at least for me anyway).

    Happy shaving!

  6. #6
    Member texasrazorman's Avatar
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    During my first shave I came to realize that the transition in rounded areas will require the most practice. The transitions are coming along ok... I'm just not getting quite as close a shave as I know I can.

    I have decided to make my Dovo Astrale my only "working" razor for six months. Hopefully in this time I will become fully proficient at straight razor shaving. That being said, I found my first vintage razor to restore; a W.H. Morley & Sons Clover Brand, made in Germany.

    I am also very interested in trying out different shaving and grooming products. Trumpers looks interesting and Pinaud-Clubman appears to have some well priced products. So much to explore!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Mastershake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasrazorman View Post
    Don't worry... I am quite happy to continue practicing with my Dovo Astrale! I am looking forward to exploring the shaving soaps, aftershaves, brushes, etc. That being said I might start purchasing some vintage straight razors for later use.
    Vintage razors are the shizzle! That is all I use and love it. I think my youngest razor I used is from around 1920 and my oldest is from around 1820-1840, that one is hard to date. Enjoy the straight razor shaving world and use the SRP to improve, your skills.

  8. #8
    Member texasrazorman's Avatar
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    Here is the video of the first shave! Input welcome!
    barrieduncan likes this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Looks like you need a bit more lather.If i were you,i would get 2 more of those paint brushes and duct tape all 3 together to make a bigger Brush,like a 28 mm Thater,and you should see some improvement in your lather. Hope this helps

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