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  1. #1
    Junior Member FlounderDTD's Avatar
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    Default Need a low priced strop to start with and hints on what else to get

    i found a sharpening service for my old blades, found lots of info on how to do it correctly, found nick sticks, shaving cream, shaving soap, and after shave balm. But the last thing i need is a low priced strop because as a newbie i know i will cut into it a little.

    also the person who is helping me learn will be having me practice on balloons first ( idea being that if i can shave with out popping a balloon then ill be less likely to cut myself).

    is there anything else i should pick up or use to practice before my first shave?

  2. #2
    Senior Member whavens's Avatar
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    Maybe a wet vac to get the cream up after you start popping balloons. You might want to conisder a medium priced SRD strop. You can always replace the leather component if you nick it. Otherwise you will be buying a cheap strop, then a more expensive model. Why not get a good one now and replace the leather if you have to?

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't know that shaving a balloon has any real relevance to shaving yourself. Maybe to a barber learning to shave someone else. You really learn by doing and the feel and feedback you get and there is none with a balloon. I would think you would be better of using a better knife on yourself first but really just using a real blade and starting out slow and with simple strokes is the best way to learn.

    As far a strops go I wouldn't spend too much on one either but getting a basic quality strop is not the same as getting the cheapest thing out there. If you go too low grade your whole learning experience will be clouded by poor equipment.
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  4. #4
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    SRD has some 2.5" latigo strops with a D ring handle for a reasonable price. I've also heard good things about the Filly strop from RupRazor. The PMSK from whipped dog isn't bad but I'd maybe go with their next strop up. I've also used the 2" strop from star shaving and if I was to purchase one again I'd spend the extra bit and get the 2.5" or 3" versions. I prefer the feel of bridle leather over latigo but as always, YMMV.

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  6. #5
    Junior Member FlounderDTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whavens View Post
    Maybe a wet vac to get the cream up after you start popping balloons. You might want to conisder a medium priced SRD strop. You can always replace the leather component if you nick it. Otherwise you will be buying a cheap strop, then a more expensive model. Why not get a good one now and replace the leather if you have to?
    lol yea thats what i thought, but as long as i just try it over the tub there wont be any clean up. but isnt that the first rule of learning is not to question methods? but thats also why im looking up how too videos on youtube and different articles around this site and online.

  7. #6
    Badkarma Badkarma's Avatar
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    I will send you one call it my first PIF.

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