Later today I will be ordering my strop, brush, bowl, cream, and soap bowl. i already have my two razors, shave soap, balm, and nick stick.
But i would like to know how often i need to strop and if strop paste is needed each time.

I will be getting the stuff to make
This guy is really informative and has been helpful.

I will also be sending out my blades to get sharpened (i will probably contact Lynn for his services). Hopefully i can get ahold of the stones needed to do this on my own one day.

Sadly most of my gear is amazon products because i dont want to go balls out for my training period in the chance that its not something i can handle. But i will be using The Art Of Shaving brand cream.

I understand that i should not shave my whole face until i get a hang of what im doing so i dont run into any problems

But my main question is when should i strop... i have found answers ranging from each time to every 6 times even up to 60 shaves. Even answers such as every 6 shaves i need to resharpen (seems a little excessive ). On top of this question, do i need strop paste and what kind?

Thanks for your help.