This Christmas I'm planning on purchasing a straight razor kit with included badger hair brush, shave soap, mug, strop, etc. I'm kind of torn between a Feather and a Dovo. I'm not so much concerned about the convenience of the Feather vs the Dovo, more so about the quality of the shave, the sharpness of the blade, and the amount of tugging/irritation to the skin. My boyfriend has very sensitive skin so much so he only can only get one use out of the pricier safety razors when they are brand new and even then he gets razor burn, acne from shaving, and ingrown hairs. He also has very coarse facial hair.
My questions are which one would be more appropriate for his skin/facial hair? How long does a Feather disposable blade typically last for you guys before they dull? Any products aside from the typical shave soap (like aftershave, shave oil, shaving cream) that you would recommend?