So I've seen some posts from people asking about rotations, and if one blade will be ok etc......

Just figured I'd share my story.

When I got into Str8's I wanted an inexpensive starter set, so I got the whipped dog special figuring it would be all I need, and while waiting for it to arrive of course I got impatient and bought a shavette to get started with ....Then my WD razor arrived and all was good, I felt i was set for life...........

Then I got to thinking about what I would use when my razor was out for honing since my Shavette really tears me up and I hate using it other then to practice shaving strokes with no blade so I don't cut myself...., so I picked up razor number 2 a 5/8 Theirs Issard from AOS and started rotating, and all was good, I felt i was set for life...........

Then I sent that razor out for honing since apparently it wasn't really shave ready............ and while waiting for it to come back I figured I should have a 3rd in case I accidentally broke one.. So I got my 6/8 Dovo from SRD and all was good, I felt i was set for life...........

Then I got to thinking that honing would be a useful skill, that way my razors would never have to be sent out and wait for return, but I didn't want to practice on my nice I bought an el-cheapo Fleabay special a 4/8 CC Craig..... Now up to 4 razors and a shavette..... and all was good, I felt i was set for life........... (Are we starting to see a theme here? LOL)

Then one evening, after consuming several glasses of a rather fine single malt, I found myself on ebay for some reason... (Single Malt's and Ebay are never a good combo I should point out ) and saw a Dubl Duck for sale cheap... really cheap... Of course I didn't realize that it was DD's version of a shavette, but oh well.. I like the look and it was cheap.... and all was good, I felt i was set for life...........

Then a few days ago I was perusing the classifieds and started chatting with PinkLather as I had heard good things about extra hollow blades, he sent me some pictures of a few very nice razors he was selling, 2 of which were Genco's, when I saw the pictures, I suddenly knew I WANTED one of them, but I couldn't decide which one...............So I.... bought both and all was good, I felt i was set for...Oh who am I kidding here... LOL

Hi, my name is Marc and I have Straight Razor acquisition disorder......