
Tired of the ever ridiculous technological *innovations* the disposable razor manufacturers thrust upon us, I've decided to try straight razor shaving for the first time.

Having researched the matter a bit (including lurking here and over at Badger and Blade) it's clear that the concensus is to buy a pre-honed razor in order to concentrate on the shaving technique before worrying too much about honing and stropping.

My kit so far:

* a "shavette" type razor using disposable razor blades - seems to be a common way to test the waters

* wooden bowl with shaving soap (Kent)

* Proraso pre and post shaving cream

* a styptic pencil

(awaiting these four items from eBay sellers)

* a pure badger brush which I've had for a while

If all goes well with the "shavette" type razor and it seems that this malarkee is for me I think I'll buy my first true straight razor and possibly a strop from The Well Shaved Gentleman.

Until then can anybody tell me if there are any honemeisters based in the UK? (I'm in Glasgow).
