Hello guys. I was about to make a run into San Francisco to Art of Shaving. I read a couple of reviews there on yelp and the overwhelming response was nice quality, but expensive products.

I already have a Mehaz Solingen 5/8's but I need more stuff to make this shave happen.

I'm interested in a straight razor shave because I bet its better, and I'm tired of buying razors and filling up landfills.

I think I need a hone, a strop (or two?) and some additional creams or something. I don't want to get into this $100 deep then turn out to hate it - but I also want to make sure I have the right stuff to give it a fair shake. What stuff do I need to get my feet wet but not feel to bad if I decide its not for me?

Should I got into Art of Shaving or just get the stuff online?
