
A handful of shaves in, I lathered up my face and began. But nothing shaved. With research, I figured the problem must be me. Who would have thought? So, I must have been obviously stropping incorrectly or not enough. Or both. I carefully studied the articles and videos for strop technique and practiced. Then I went to work. Using a homemade denim strop, I kicked it up from 30 passes to 50. Few more shave attempts, but got nothing. Read some more and realized that's not nearly enough stropping. Increased to 150 today, still denim. Still nothing.

I have a certificate from Lynn for a re-hone. Which would be best, having him take a look at it for a re-hone or grabbing a cheap barber stone and trying to get the edge working again myself (saving the re-hone in the event I can't make it work on the stone)? I have no experience sharpening anything. Finally, I would prefer to stick to denim if at all possible.
