G'day guys (and possibly gals?).

I'm new to the straight razor place and thought I'd introduce myself. So hello all.

So I've been a long time user of cartridge shavers *shudders* (since I was 12, now 21) and the occassional user of electric shavers as well. And each adn every time I've used either form, it has left me with razor burn and/or bumps that can last for ages, to the point where I've just gone screw it and let a beard form. I finally went to a doctor and the old fella told me to leave that crap behind and get my hands on a straight razor. So here I am. Haha.

The advice I'm mainly looking for, is where do I start looking for a decent straight razor? If anyone is a local, ie. S.E Qlder, would they be able to point me in the right direction in procurring one of these fine instruments and what to look out for? I've been looking at the Dovo range online adn they look pretty sweet, but not sure if I want to spend that much for a learner and then eventually drop it or somethign and damage the blade, which is highly likely I have been told. If not I'll cop it sweet and fork out the 125 for their cheapest one I can find.

So thanks everyone.