Last year at Xmas my father gave me a box with two of my Great Grandfather's straights and 3 of my Great Uncles straights and Swaty. I think I've finally worked up the courage to try one out and would like to pick one to get honed and buy a strop as well. I've attached a couple of pics of what I have to work with. The last razor was made in the town where I went to college (it's an extra hollow ground, fwiw). Obviously the 2nd and 3rd one would need major work done if they can be fixed at all.

Left to right:
Case Brothers Tested XX ---great uncle
Tom Ray Double Forged --- great grandfather
DePews The Perfect Razor --- great uncle
Claus BarbersSpec --- great grandfather
George Wosten Holmes IXL --- great uncle
Blish Mize Extra Hollow Ground --- College town

Higher res pics can be seen here (hover over pic on right side to get size options):