Welcome to the brotherhood of straight razor users.

Your a lucky man, to have been entrusted with those razors, especially because of the family history. There's not many material things in life that can be passed on from generation to generation, so when the time comes for you to pass them on I hope you entrust them so someone who appreciates them as well.

As for your choice of which to restore and learn to shave with first, I think you have made a wise one. That razor will take and hold an edge with the best of them. As for price, that's between you and the individual doing the restoration. Do a little research on the vendors.

I hope you enjoy the str8 razor experience. It's really not just about the shave, but the tradition of shaving properly and getting a close comfortable shave. Believe me after a short while you will notice a difference in how great your face will feel and how close the shave. In my humble opinion there is nothing that even comes close to a str8.

This is an adventure you can keep as simple or as extravagant as you choose, just have fun and enjoy the tradition.