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  1. #1
    Member Geoff's Avatar
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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    Default Shaving Neck - Do you go Vertical?

    I recently got into wet shaving with an Injector and DE's.
    It has been quite an improvement, I am thinking of trying out a straight though as it seems interesting.

    I was wondering; the hair on my neck grows vertically, out from the adams apple.

    When attempting an initial with the grain pass, are people able to shave side to side on the neck?
    Even with a DE or Injector I find this difficult as I am a bit of a bean pole which results in quite a curved neck even if I tilt my head back or atempt skin stretching.

    The next best thing is upward on a 45* angle; would this cause much irritation with a straight?

    Last edited by Geoff; 11-04-2006 at 04:30 AM.

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