I find myself asking this question after ordering a starter set from Vintage Blades. The SR comes in the mail tomorrow and I have more questions than answers and could sure use some help.

If these are on the site, feel free to point the new guy to that area. I also got the World of SR shaving DVD so that may have some of this information on it as well.

1. To strop or not to strop, that is the question: the SR comes shave ready - should I strop the first time? I'm assuming that I should strop regardless after the first time.
2. Storage: How do I maintain this thing? I'm in Houston so humidity is definitely a problem. I've seen some references from placing a few drops of oil on the blade to just drying it off - any suggestions?
3. After shave treatments: any suggestions? I have a normal/sensitive face when it comes to shaving ATG even with a cartridges and I get some abrasion and ingrown hairs.

Any information or points in the right direction will be very much appreciated.

I'm an engineer/project manager so naturally, I'm looking for a flow chart and checklist - one of the hazards of the job!

Thanks in advance,
