So I have been shaving for about 6 months now and I am about to send my razors off for their first honing! I am currently using Larry's poor boy strop kit, and was looking to upgrade the strop (I think I already have some other ideas about the brush, but if you want to make suggestions go ahead!). One of my concerns about my current strop is that it not being flat when I use it, sometimes the sides seem bent or the top is not even with the bottom. I think a paddle strop would be better to help me learn to strop better, what are your opinions on them and where can I find one?

Also, I use MWF and I love it. I know they sell a fancy wood case for the pucks but does anybody use anything else to hold the soap? Mine right now is in a ceramic case but the case is slightly too big and I have a hard time getting my brush loaded up before I build my lather in my mug.

Thanks for all of your input! SRP is awesome.