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Thread: Ramblings of a Newbie -- Some Lessons Learned

  1. #1
    Expert face carver RodneyOK's Avatar
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    Default Ramblings of a Newbie -- Some Lessons Learned

    So, after two weeks worth of straight razor shaving I feel liked I have learned a lot. Don't get me wrong, there is far more here to learn and perfect, but nonetheless I have made some good progress and wanted to share some of it with other neophytes.

    Take your time! There is no way to hurry a shave and expect it to be a good one. My best shaves are the ones without deadlines and accomplished at a leisurely pace.

    Get good equipment, it makes a world of difference. Believe it or not, in my short tenure as a straight shaver, I have tried several different razors, brushes, soaps, etc. The same lesson was learned on each one... You get what you pay for. Now, understand that I generally go "all out" in most hobbies that I undertake. I suppose it is one of my flaws. In this case I certainly could have saved resources by getting the "good stuff" right out of the gate.

    Solingen and Sheffield steel perform well. I wasn't sure exactly where to start when I first began, but my best shavers (as determined in this brief period) are from these two places. This steel seemed to hold up well to my less than adequate stropping technique at the onset.

    I love Tabac! The shave soap by this brand is the absolute best that I have encountered. The scent of their whole line of products is now a favorite. My taste may change over time, but right now I am in love.

    Finally, it is possible to learn how to get a great straight razor shave in a short period of time. By the end of my first week the shaves were very good, on par, or better than any from modern disposables. By the end of my second week, I have left those cartridges in the dust. I know when I step up to the sink that I will have an excellent shave, and cuts and razor burn are a real rarity. I really am lovin' it!

    So, there are my thoughts. Hopefully this will help someone out who is on the cusp of this wonderful hobby. (or is it an obsession?)
    Last edited by RodneyOK; 08-12-2012 at 06:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    When you wipe off you straight razor blade...... Just go in one direction...NO back and forth like your trying to shine her up cuz you will slice your finger at some point in time !! Trust me on this one.
    niftyshaving likes this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, and all ways respect the blade,cuz it will let you know if you get a little to cockey !!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    G'Day Rodney and thanks for sharing your experiences so far.
    That is exactly what this community is all about - sharing.
    We look forward to hearing more as your journey progresses
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  5. #5
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    . . . Take your time! There is no way to hurry a shave and expect it to be a good one. My best shaves are the ones without deadlines and accomplished at a leisurely pace. . . .
    I have a stronger rule:

    . . . If you're rushed, don't use a straight razor!

    That's why God gave us DE razors!


  6. #6
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    If I'm rushed, it's not the time for a shave. Although after 10 months of straight shaving, my overall time is quite reduced compared to when I first started, I still don't like the rushed feeling. And I don't get nice, comfortable shaves from the DEs that I have (which is probably down to their shape and my technique), so I prefer to skip it and wait for the straight

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