So quick background. SWMBO is the one who bought my first straight razor. A nice dovo BQ. It didn't take me long to develop a bad case of RAD after that and she was completely supportive of my new hobby. I picked up a bunch of old blades from ebay and antique stores. She thought they looked nice and was happy I was enjoying a hobby she basically got me into. I started restoring them a bit just removing pits and rust and maybe a re-scale or two but never got around to honing them since I didn't have any stones. Again, she was happy I was enjoying myself. I finally purchased a norton 4/8k and dmt 325. Well a strange thing happened after I successfully honed my first vintage razor and went to shave with it. She became uneasy with the thought of me shaving with something that has been used before. She is worried about blood and disease. I used barbicide on the razor before and after honing and she still doesn't really want me to shave with them.

I realize that some of you would take this as permission to just buy a bunch of newly manufactured razors like another Dovo, or a Hart or even a few customs, but I genuinely like the vintage razors better. I love the piece of history I am holding and the thought of the person or people who have used it before me. Basically, every reason I like a vintage blade is why she doesn't.

I was wondering if anyone else had this issue come up and were you able to find a solution? A more aggressive way to sterilize your blades perhaps that satisfied the SWMBO?
