
I have been reading quite a bit on this forum for the last few weeks and would like to say it is a great place and thanks for all the seasoned input; it has helped me a lot. I recently started shaving with a straight and I really like it, have been getting decent results from the "sight unseen" deal I got from the whipped dog. I think I like it enough to want to upgrade to a quality razor soon, one I can own for a very long time. I have my eyes set on either the Dovo Diamant or the Dovo Bismarck right now. I would prefer the Diamant, however, my only concern is if the black finish will fade and wear off the blade over time (ie, using it, stroping it, honing it etc.) If so, I might be more inclined to get the Bismarck. Have any of you heard of people having this potential problem? Any advice you can shed would be great. I am also open to suggestions of other razors in that price range ($120-160, I also need to look at a proper brush too).

Thanks in advance.