Name:  2012-10-06_22-19-51_174.jpg
Views: 439
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... but gave it a try and found out you can! This razor was so tarnished you could not really read 'Radio Steel' on the side. I found a link on the Forum mentioning using a piece of leather and polish so I cut up a pair of gloves and picked up some Flitz and gave 'er a try. The picture is not great but the blade came out pretty good snd only has some random spots to work on. But, it took HOURS! While we were watching movies with the family I just kept up a good pace and it worked out. My hand tells the story... That was AFTER washing my hands!

I have sone donor scales and a pinning kit so we'll see how that all works out tomorrow... I polished my peening hammer earlier which got me rolling on that razor as the hammer turned out pretty good as well!

This is just a blast!