I'm sure a lot of you regs are sick of seeing these types of threads, but I'll do my best to help you help me, instead of just "What should I buy? Thanks, Distroid"

So I've spent the last week pouring over every wet shaving site I could find (SRP's Wiki has been down ever since I found this glorious forum, BTW) and showing my wife all the beautiful blades and scales and explaining the finer points of Silvertip Super Badger and trying to find a nice balance between good quality and paying my bills. What I order will basically be my Christmas present so I want to make my descisions count. I will be placeing my order in about two weeks, so I still have plenty of time for re-google-search, but today I sat her down and told her, "Okay, I really can't move foward until I know my budget, so give me a number..." Much to my surprise she said $350 (US). I know it's not much for a nube who has to start from scratch, but it's quite a bit higher than I expected.
So here's where you guys (hopefully) come in. Help me make good buying descisions, please. I want something that I can be proud to look at and use but not be heart broken when I eff it up. And I'm sure I will.

Ok, let's start with the bread and butter of things... the razor. I have some basic ideas about where to start, but then I get a little lost. I figure I want a 5/8 width because I've read many articles that suggest that for a beginner, and it seems to be an industry standard. I also know I want to go with a rounded point, seems like a safer bet to learn with. A full hollow grind seems to be the go-to, but I don't really understand the benefits over a half/quater hallow, other than weight reduction.. Or why an "extra hollow singing razor" would be a good thing. As far as looks go, I'm EXTREMELY picky, but have no idea what I like and don't like. Couldn't even begin to describe what I'm looking for, only that I know what I like when I see it.
Just a few hours ago I was seriously considering a super cheap, but BITCHIN looking razor here: Vintage Straight Razor | Horn Damascus Steel Straight Razor | VintageStraightRazor.com
But in researching the manufacturer I found a few threads on SRP that saved me from that mistake. The Dovo Desert Ironwood Stainless 5/8" thru SRD is JUST BEAUTIFUL! The wood grain reminds me of the briar used to make tobacco pipes (another uber-manly hobby of mine) but the price would really cut (heh) into my budget and I'm a little intimidated by Stainless as I've read it's a little harder to get the edge just right.
I've been leaning towards the Dovo La Forme 6/8", but the description mentions a shoulder-less blade, and I wonder how that will affect my learning to correctly hold and manipulate the blade. I'm also concerned with the width @ 6/8 (should I be?)

I've never used a strop before. In fact, I've never even seen one in person. I've seen a few here say that a 3" is easier to learn on, and that sounds like good advice to me. I think a leather handle might be more comfortable to hold for the slow stropping sessions I'll be starting with. Have I ASSumed incorrectly? I think I'd like to get a strop that also has the fabric webbing so that later on I can use a paste to help postpone honing a little more. But from what I've read, I'll screw my first strop up pretty quickly and will need to replace it after I've mastered the necessary techniques. But I'd really like to make this a ONE time purchase and avoid buying crap first and quality later. But I'd also hate to goober up a $70 strop from inexperience... See why I need your help?

I Know that Super/Silvertip badger bristles are the best out there, but I've seen Super at $20 and Pure at $80 and have no clue what to look for in a well crafted brush.(a brick and mortor store would REALLY help in this area) I do know that the el cheapo boar bristle i bought at Wally-World pokes my face uncomfortably.

I love the look of the "apothocary" style mugs. I'd like to avoid the color white if possible. Really no other preferences here.

Again, I don't know where to begin without seein, feeling, and smelling for myself... so *shrug* I do know I like Almond scents and Sandalwood scents. And since this is a consumable, I'm not terribly worried about it for my initial purchase.

I would like a stand that holds both my brush and razor. I've read good things about Alum blocks, so I'm considering it, if it fits in my budget. I want some form of oil or the like to protect my blade from humidity as I will be keeping it in my bathroom. It's just not practical for me to keep it in any other room. I have a facial scrub that I'm pretty content with, but I've always just used alcohol based aftershaves (i didn't know there was a better way lol) so I'll be reading up on what ingredients are best to use and suggestions (with reasons WHY you're suggesting it) would be appreciated. Any other lil pieces that make your shave better?

If at all possible, I'd really like to order everything from one website. It's just easier. But If I have to I'll split things up. And the $350 budget has to include shipping. So some things I may end up just waiting on. But it could be a long wait.
Any help you guys can give me would be GREAT!
