Hi guys, my first straight razor came in the other day and I am stoked. My first shave went well I think, no nicks or casualties to any protruding body parts. I ordered a kit on Amazon which included a Col. Ichabod Conc, and some accessories. Some time ago I bought a nice vintage Henkles but some moron took it to a knife sharpener who put it on a knife grinder and gave it a blade that kind of comes together as a V on the blade, as if it were a knife. I also bought a Norton 4000 8000 stone. My questions are
1. How long until I will need to hone my new razor
2. Am I likely to be able to put an edge back on the Henkles

I know both questions are subjective but any answer will help. I am scared to death to use the stone as I do not want to do it wrong. I have watched numerous videos on the subject and get the general idea. I guess it will be nice to have the Henkle to practice on. Anyhow any other tips you may have will be helpful.