Hi everyone! iīve just had my first straight razor shave with my brand new dovo bismark 6/8, srd vetiver shaving soap and omega setola brush.
i have some insights on the experience:

1. it was something i was looking forward to do since i bough my razor from srd. i have to make an effort not to soccumb to it and rush straight into the shaving proces. i took my time and kind of followed a mental checklist of things to do before i shave. it all ended up quiet well. it was very enjoyable

2.stropping is not as difficult as i though it would be: after reading the forums, i though it would be trickier. i cant say right now if im doing it 100/100 right, but i did not nick or cut the strop and the bladeīs edge seems unafected. i was very slow and thorough while at it. i think that might be one of the keys to succesfull stroping.

3. the blade is SHARP: sharp with capital leters. i could not believe how easily it removed the hair. i managed not tu nick my face. however, razor burn happened. nothing too terrible, but the pain was there. i think it did not irritate my face as much as the gillette mach 3 i used to use did, but i thought it would hurt a bit less.

4. i enjoyed it from beginning till end: it took up preparation an a great deal of concentration, but i think thatīs the fun of shaving this way

5. results are subpar: having shaven wtg and atg, i could not manage to achieve results similar to the ones i used to get with my mach 3. i have to improve my technique, obviously

6. shaving the moustache is tricky. i could not get that part right and retouched with the gillette.

feel free to make recomendations, they will certainly be welcome

greeting to all from Buenos Aires, Argentina

happy shaving