So I've been wanting to get into straight shaving for a while, but never got around to it. So I decided to ask my wife for a starter set for Christmas. Not really thinking much about it I found the cheapest set online that I could, and told her to get it. This is very unlike me. I usually buy quality, but kinda thought a razor is a razor. It wasn't till after she ordered that I started really researching and now realize the mistake I have made. I ordered from and have read nothing but bad things about the quality. I mean come on, I paid $65 for a razor, strop, puck, brush, and bowl. Now that I've been on this site I see the price was too good to be true. I was just ignorant of how detailed this really is and during the last week of researching have realized how incredible straight shaving culture is. Anyway I'll return it and get a quality razor for the price like a Dovo Special. Just thought I'd share this story with yall. Can't wait to get shaving and learn all these new skills.
