Ok, I've been bought a Dovo Special by my wife for my 30th after banging on about how good a shave my grandad used get and how little if any razor rash/burn he used to get.

Cartridges/disposables tear my face up. I have a thick beard and they clog so quickly, as a result my face and neck get ripped to shreds.

I've tried every method of preperation I can and have just settled on what I was taught to do except I have a shower or a bath first where family men used to use a hot wet flanel/towel.
I then use a nice oil with menthol in it and apply the cream in a circular motion to begin with massaging right in for a wee while before ensuring an even coating.

The above taken into account I couldn't bear shaving on a daily basis so grew a beard which is 'shaved in' every couple of days.

I've come to quite like my beard now but I'm wondering if it may be a bridge too far for a newbie to stright razors to try and shape a beard.
