I think the more I look at straight razors the more I like them aesthetically.
Of course my wife's comment was " Oh boy... Here we go again, first it was watches, then DE razors now this...?"
Well, I could buy another watch I said. Then she said "carry on with the razors"....,:-)
I have been using DE razors now for about 3 years and would like to learn how to use and shave with a straight razor. I have a goatee so maybe straight razors would be a challenge.... However, I am considering one.
My question is a redundant one... Which razor do I buy?
Aesthetically I am drawn to the Boker Arbolito but maybe I should start with a Boker King Cutter... Or maybe a Dovo Best Quality.

I don't mind spending a little more for a better razor.... And the beauty of the Arbolito is hard for me to ignore.....However, is it a poor choice for someone new to this art?

Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Dr .B