Greetings! My name is Jim and I am new to wet shaving. I have been shaving almost every day for the last 28 years (requirement of the military) using the traditionally 3 to 5 blade shavers (aka wisker tugger and puller). A friend of mine who has been wet shaving for 10 years has shown me the advantages (financially) and satisfaction of wet shaving.

My first exposure to wet shaving was a meeting my friend took me to, which was where other straight edge razor user talked about straight razors and how to hone the blade. Wow! I never knew there was so much to this way of life.

My friend talked to me the next weekend and gave me a double edge razor to tryout. He wanted to be sure it was something I wanted to do before investing money. The next morning I prepared my shaving cream, lathered my face, gently began cutting my wiskers like I had never done before...I was hooked. That was three weeks ago and I am so eager to try new creams and soaps, different blades, and get my very own razor and brush!

So hear I am, willing to take any advice anyone wants to offer, and learn from all of you. My first investment will be in my own brush. Do you have any suggestions for a reasonably priced, good quality brush?

Best wishes for a great day and a great shave!
