Quote Originally Posted by rokuez View Post

Anyways I'm debating wether I should jump right into using a straight razor or start off with a safety razor and then move up after I get the hang of it. I've read some threads and I understand the basic newb mistakes such as applying to much pressure etc. Still gotta look at youtube videos tho.

I am relative newb at this, especially the straight. I would start using wet shaving technique, even with your cartridge. Follow the brush advice above, get used to using alot of water on the face, creating a good lather and even using lighter strokes with your cartridge. In terms of DE as a learning step, well that is what I did. Originally never thought I would go to a straight which is much more difficult (stropping, shaving and honing are skills requiring practice). Personally, I love the shave I get with the DE (merkur slant bar just rocks), but I love shaving with a straight (more practice required here). The straight is more money given that you must have a shave ready razor and strops, start fee is 2x that of DE which is more like $30 for an HD and a bunch of Derby blades


It is a terrific hobby, a skill and an art, a lost art, and daily activity that used to be a bore is now fun, even a challenge.