freyguy, EricV , FXR , Roro, shadowtrek , fatshave , razornut , Iceshave , gsunday , binks00 , steveymiles , bjhnnyb , michigalex , Mosmilzthsntearz , iko11 , NeedmoreKaffe , hops665 , MrFine , StraightEdge79 , rmflax , galbar , aja1732 , jan430 , tshakazulu , cg360 , pierpiotr , Gokke , anthonicia , skeeties , Shift , Bowels , Puertoricovic90 , willfromfreeport , goanfatboy , jeffreyzeng , JamesDeath, N8N, gleamingplaza47 , Dawson

Do all these folks have a birthday today??? I don't think so....but who knows.

Whoever does can celebrate with ***Betsy Ross, Paul Revere, J. Edgar Hoover, Frank Langella, Rocky Graziano, and John Garand***

Have a great day.