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Thread: From all of us to all of you
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12-16-2020, 03:12 AM #1
From all of us to all of you
Each holiday season we like to take the time to deliver a holiday message to all our members.
Yes the days are dark indeed in so many ways and many folks out there are really suffering. Many have lost loved ones and friends and may have lost their incomes or businesses or don’t know where their next meal may come from or if they will have a roof over their heads.
I ask during this time of year those of us fortunate enough to not be in any of these situations to be thinking of those who are and maybe find some way to help our fellow citizens.
I sincerely hope and believe things are going to change and next year will be a better one.
As I have said over the years we view all our members to be part of an (online) family whose interests in razors and shaving matters have brought us together to share our experiences and have some spirited discussions in other matters too.
If you are a visitor consider joining. Everyone has something to contribute.
On behalf of Ivan and the entire staff at “Sharp Razor Palace” I would like to wish all our members and their families a most happy Christmas, Hanukah or whatever festivity you might be celebrating. I also wish you all a happy, prosperous and most importantly a healthy New Year.No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero