When I was growing up I remember shaving brushes just standing up on the counter in the bathroom. All the men of the house used them daily and then just sat them back down. I remember over the years visiting friends bathrooms and seeing their dads or brothers brushes sat on their ends too.

I notice when I look at threads and online shops that most seem to reccomend hanging the brush up to dry and they like selling the stands for a pretty penny too.

Personally I have always just shaken my brushes out after use and stood them up to dry. I have lived all over the world in many climates and I have never had a brush go stinky or mouldy etc etc. except when its been put in my bag wet when travelling, and thats the only issues I have had, but nothing a good wash and air didn't sort out.

My friend Paul is still using his granddads brush, it does look a little worse for wear but then again its got to be at least 40 years old as he has had it that long. He shakes it out and sits in on its base, no issues he recalls.

So my question is really to the guys that sit their brushes on their bases;

Do you personally feel that sitting your shaken out brush on its end following a shave is detrimental to it's health?

Do you personally feel that hanging a brush is a trend or a cunning marketing ploy? Or is there something in it?

Do you personally feel that if your brush does die slightly premeturly it's all for the greater good as you get a new brush?