I didn't realize what a can of worms I was opening when I bought my straight razor. Razor.... check. Strop.... check. Soap.... check. Brush..... oh crap.

I'm thinking badger or possibly horse for my first brush until I know what I really prefer. What it comes down to for me right now is price vs quality. I see a lot of lower end badger brushes around the 'net for twenty to thirty bucks. I also found the vie long horse sitting right in the middle of that price point.

The question becomes where is the cut off for fair quality.

I have no idea what I'm going to end up preferring and at this moment just want to get something to start with.

I know this is really really open as far as questions go, but are there 30 dollar badger brushes that aren't a complete waste of money?


PS - don't mind the smoke coming from my ears.

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