So I was perusing a local antique store for the first time, not expecting to find anything shaving related, but wound up finding two razors and 3 brushes. The razors weren't anything special...although one claimed itself as "The Winner" which I thought was...hilarious, to say the least. Anyhow, I found this brush and really like it. The hair was in good shape and came to a nice point. After all, they were only asking $6. Good deal, even if I didn't get much use out of it. The most striking aspect of the brush is the coloring on the hair and the amazing moisture-retention ability. I soaked the brush in hot water to bring some life back to the hair (I'd also love some advice on other methods to rejuvenate the brush hair. Hot oil? Shampoo?) and let it dry. The silver tip of the brush is still damp two hours after squeezing/shaking out the brush. The handle is gaudy, but luckily unscrews, leaving the possibility of a new wooden handle.

In conclusion: What's the color patter on the hair indicate? What are some ways to restore old hair?
