First of all, Just let me say, I LOVE THIS THING. IT's a beaut.

So, I just got my new Small Schwarz Scuttle in the mail in Black and White. Mr. Ansgar said it would take around 3-4 weeks, I got it in 2, Kudos to that!

I'm posting this here since I haven't used it yet, then I'll post a review... Also, pictures will follow soon, once I get them all Messaged to my Email and can upload them... I do not have a digital camera, so I have to use my phone.

Here are my impressions though... First of all, Holy hell, this thing is huge. I love it.

It has a massive water basin, Soap Lids clearly designed to hold an ENTIRE puck of soap (after grating) and you could easily whip up ANY lather inside this thing. The soap reservoir is big enough that I don't see this being a problem, It can probably stay warm for a MARATHON run

Also, Ansgar has got customer satisfaction -at least with me- to a premium... I got the Black and white version (mostly black, a white/black freckled area, and then white for the edge and water basin) well, there are two TINY specs of black, on the UNDERSIDE of the water basin, I would never complain about that, but, Ansgar sent me an additional soap Lid to compensate. The scuttle comes with one, but I got a freebie for something that I honestly wouldn't even notice. That's being a gentleman and a salesman! I'd buy from him again -if I ever need it- in a heartbeat.

Now then, the Scuttle. It's big. It's real big. I'm a fairly average-handed guy, and I can fit my whole fist into the basin. I use a big mug for lathering, so the interior size is almost the same, but that water wall is going to make a huge difference for me. I only ever face lather VERY rarely, so, between the soap cap, the ridged bottom, and the big whipping area, I'm going to have more lather than I know what to do with. Maybe I'll finally try uberlather!

I have one brush at this time. It's a no-name amazon badger, I would hazard the knot at a 24, but I have nothing to compare it to... The full knot fits into the mini water basin on the side. I needed to push in a few hairs, but it all fit (picture will follow) and it was SWALLOWED by the lather basin. This thing, I cannot impress it, the pictures don't do justice, is BIG.

Also of note, the water basin it'self. Instead of the normal filling hole, Ansgar's scuttles have a bowl on the side, it's excellent for re-wetting a brush without hassle, and makes filling this thing up a lot cleaner. The thumb loop is just the right size, and the bottom is raw clay that keeps the scuttle from sliding during whipping, but not raw enough that it is even the tiniest uncomfortable on the palm.

All in all, Worth EVERY penny. Mr. Ansgar, you are an artist, a craftsman, a gentleman, and great for communication!

Top notch product

*Again, this is not meant to be a review, just a HUGE pat on the back for Ansgar, and recommendation to those of you on the fence... I'll post a review after I've used this behemoth!*

(Also, don't let my constant reference to it's size throw you off, I was expecting somethign a little larger than a Georgetown scuttle, that's why I was so surprised. It's not hard to handle or awkward at all. Just a beautiful scuttle all around.)

Also, this scuttle is the S version. Theres one that is the same size, with a common 4 finger handle, and a larger one with the thumb loop.

The thumb loop is VERY comfortable, and well made, and I could not imagine a larger one!

Go with the small, go with the thumb loop. You'll be impressed