When I was looking for a brush when starting I really wanted a high quality badger brush, however I had already spent my budget on all the other needed items and was getting pretty discouraged while looking through SRD. I found the wee scott brush which was cheap enough so I decided to buy it. Its kind of funny cause I didnt think anything about the name until it arrived. I quickly understood where the name came from, it is a wee little thing. It didnt come anywhere near fitting the brush holder I had purchased so I fabbed a holder out of ty-wire and solved that problem, but I digress.
I think I might be ready to step up to a full sized brush, however this brush seems to be working alright. My lather(cream) seems to dry out quickly and it seems to take a while to cover my face, so my question is would a larger brush help with the lather not drying out as quickly since I figure it would hold more and would leave it thicker on the face. I am sure a bigger brush would cover my face quicker. What are some of the advantages of a bigger brush? Do my assumptions above hold true? If I remember right it seems the bigger brushes are quite a bit more expensive, are they worth it is what I guess I am looking for. Any suggestions on size or maker? Thanks in advance.