Being new to all this, I have a question about mugs and thier proper use. Last year I purchased my first shaving brush and some Williams shaving soap. I came home and found a thick old coffee cup, threw in the puck and got busy. I have since aquired a couple of shaving mugs and other soaps.

On some online stores and e-bay, I have seen many styles of "mugs". Some look like regular cups, some have spouts and some look divided into sections. I was given a cup by a friend that they found at a yard sale that is the divided style. In fact, it is divided in the middle but one half only goes part way down. The other half has a puck of soap in the bottom. Is see no way to get the puck in or out without destroying it. (It needs to be replaced.) I really don't see any way to even get a brush down to it to lather up! How would you use this and what is the short half for? Also, what is the spout used for on some of these other mugs I've seen. Are some of these metal ones I've seen better?

Thank you for any information. ROY