The only brush I currently have used for almost three years now is a $15 Tweezerman Badger brush. I think the thing has shed less hair than I can count on two hands in all that time.

Last Friday morning I was soaking it in my scuttle before a shave and instead decided to take the day off and stay scruffy. A nasty cold and sinus infection got the best of me. I was sick all day Saturday and unshaven as well and it wasn't until Sunday morning's shave that I realized that I had left my Tweezerman soaking in the scuttle for 48 hours straight. I thought I would pull it out of the water and watch the bristles fall out in clumps as they did when I soaked a cheap Vulfix brush for only a few hours.

Instead, much to my great surprise, the Tweezerman was not only completely unscathed, it was the fullest most luxurious brush I could imagine. Plump, full, substantial.

I love that brush. Although I'll chalk the two day soaking experience to being a fluke that provided an enjoyable shave rather than make such a practice a routine occurrence.

Chris L