hey everyone,

i've been using my vdh 'premium' bowl for making my lathers. when using creams it works fine, however i run into trouble when using a puck soap. i typically leave the puck soap in the bottom of the bowl when i lather it up. while lathering in this bowl, i tend to lose a lot of the original, liquidy lather that builds quickly causing my final lather to be too dry. i know i can just add water, but i also hate to lose the extra lather.
i'm looking to buy a bowl or mug that has a wider mouth and is pretty deep so the initial lather can all be pushed back down with out losing it. also, it would be good if there was a handle on it.
i was look at cheap Colonel Conk mugs, but reviews were saying the opening on top is too small and your knuckles take a beating.
i'll keep looking around for me, but if anyone could point me in the direction of a quality bowl or mug to look out for, that would be terrific!