A few years back there was a thread about Rooney Finests. I posted in the thread that I loved the half dozen I had because of the scritch I felt when lathering. Some other guys posted in that thread that their Rooney finests had butter soft tips and no scritch/scrubiness. So I was puzzled at why mine were scritchy and theirs were not.

My Plisson HMW (2) and my Simpson Supers (4) also produced that scrubby/scritch feeling on my phizzog. So within the last couple of months I've been divesting myself of some of my accumulations. I've just got too much stuff and want to pare it down.

I sold a few Rooney Finests and a few Simpson supers to two different individuals. The thing that interested me is that upon receiving and using these various finests and supers, which I found scritchy , these guys do not find them so. For their faces these brushes are soft tipped and buttery. Yet another proof that in the world of wet shaving YMMV is axiomatic.