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  1. #1
    MOD and Giveaway Dude str8razor's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Bartlesville, Oklahoma
    Thanked: 801

    Default SRP MARCH 2015 GIVEAWAY (is now closed)



    To promote more forum participation by the members, we are making a small change to the rules for the giveaway:

    Signing up for the giveaway is not changing, however in order to be eligible to win you must have made forum posts on four separate days between the ending of the previous raffle and the drawing of the current one
    . These posts can be in the same thread on four separate days or you can post in several threads on four separate days. One of these four can be your post to the Giveaway thread and must be on a separate day then the other three. However, only one post will count in the Giveaway thread as part of your four. For example, if you have only a total of four posts with two of them posted in the Giveaway thread, one by accident, I will delete the one in the Giveaway thread because you are only allowed one post there which will leave you with only three posts.

    It doesn't matter where your raffle entry falls among these posts; all we ask is that you post a few times in the course of the one month period before the closing of the current giveaway.

    The above process needs to be repeated for each monthly Giveaway.

    Starting with this thread the SRP MARCH 2015 GIVEAWAY will start.

    This giveaway will last for fifteen days finishing on March 15, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST.

    When you sign in your post number will be your raffle number and from that number the winners will be chosen.

    These giveaways are for ALL members regardless of how long they have been members as long as the rules above are followed.

    I would ask that when you sign in you say something like "sign me up please" along with any comments you care to make otherwise I will not know if you are signing up or just making a comment. If you have already signed up please do not post again as that will take up another post number. Please, if you are not signing up do not make any comment posts as this will also take up another post number. I will be checking on double posts and will PM you if you have made one and the latest one will be deleted. On the day after the closing I will notify the winners and get their address and mail out the prizes. There will only be one winner.


    PRIZE: #1. A 5/8 shave ready Peter J. Michels, "MERIT", Brooklyn NY, made in Germany razor donated by anonymous donor. #2. A Tony Miller pasted Four Sided Paddle Strop .25 micron = 60K Grit; 0.5 micron = 30K grit; 1.0 micron = 15K grit; 3.0 micron = 5K grit re-donated by last months winner wayne394. #3. A tube of Coate's Superior SANDALWOOD Shaving Cream for sensitive skin re-donated by last months winner wayne394 #4. A small sample of Artisan Shave Soap "Mango Sage Tea" Hand Made in Michigan USA donated by unltrasound2003 and re-donated by last months winner wayne394.

    Last edited by str8razor; 03-16-2015 at 06:35 PM.

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