I'm not flaming my wife, I just want to know if this is par for the course of if I need to get a new wife.

The problem is, she doesn't know how to DO anything.
When you try to explain it she interrupts with the stupidest question you've ever heard, and if she had listened to the first two words you said she would already know the answer.


I wanted to transfer insurance from a car I sold to my new car.
Call the company and they tell me to write a letter with VINs and fax it to them. Fine. My wife offers to do it since she stands next to a fax machine all day at work. fine.

I sit to write a little note, grabbing the closest writing utensil, a pencil.
When I hand the letter to my wife she proceeds to insist that I must rewrite it, this time in pen! (like the fax machine is going to print it out in pencil at the other end)

OK, so I tell her it won't matter, she says it will, I say it won't, ect ect ect,
She says she will just have to rewrite it in pen before she faxes it.

Fine whatever.

I hand her the agents letterhead with the POLICY NUMBER and OFFICE PHONE and NOTHING ELSE ON IT.

I tell her I don't have the fax number so call them and get it.

She asks " Who do I fax it to?"

me " Whatever number they give you when you call. "

her " Yeah, but who do I fax it to? "

me " I'm sure they'll give you a name. "

her " Who'll give me a name? "

(Kinison scream)
I'm IN HELL !!!!!!

So..... is this a problem??
Obviously I'm not the only on who has been frustrated to the point of violent fantasies by a womans inability to comprehend even the simplest of concepts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_VURr6jnWQ