I work for a company that's in the mining industry exploration. Last time I was in the office, the owner came in and presented us with a major challenge that would be on the leading edge of technology.
The task:
1) Thread 2000' of wire through a horizontal (no help from gravity) hole ranging from 2" to 4" in width
2) No access to the end-side of the hole
A competitor has managed to do about 700' and even replicating that would be a major success, but my coleague and I would like to go for gold (both figuratively and literally )
I will be chiming in with some fine tuning details, but this is the basic challenge. If you gentlemen could offer some tips tricks and pointers (like techniques and materials), they'd be much appreciated.
Pulling this off would get me away from the computer and number-crunching and put me into the mines all over the globe.