Just a rant...

I'm disgusted with the Internet today. This morning I allowed myself to participate in "debates" with two people I genuinely like about a topic that genuinely disgusts me. The odd thing is, I was taking what I considered to be a middle of the road stance, given that I simultaneously was engaged with two people on opposite ends of the spectrum of the debate. In both cases, I offered counterarguments to each extreme opinion. Sadly, too much of the bases for our arguments came from the Internet.

On one side, I was told "you cannot argue with a meme." That's true. Wikipedia defines an internet meme as "an activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet."

Yup, that's all it is. It does not matter if it is true or not. As long as something is passed on from person to person enough times, which is really easy to accomplish on the Internet, you can create any truth you want. A few years ago a beginner on this forum decided to give himself "decades" of honing experience. He created blogs reviewing his own honing. He created multiple personas praising his own work. Repeating it enough times put a fiction in front of people's faces enough times that some suckers started to believe that he knew how to hone. Joseph Goebbels, propagandist for the Nazis, said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people eventually come to believe it."

No, I cannot argue with a meme generated to promote a blatant political agenda. It does not matter that it was based on the same article authored by dozens of different people all over the internet. This is a common ploy all over modern media. Some individual or committee decides the message of the day and the minions start spreading it everywhere--all pretending to be the original author. Keep repeating the same thing and somebody will believe it.

In my era, the big transition from high school to college was the revelation that not everything you read in a book is true. The Internet expands that concept to an extreme. Not everyone is an expert, not everything you read is correct, and for Pete's sake, understand that statistics can be, and are, manipulated to forward any desired agenda. Meme's based on articles repeated over and over referencing ridiculously tweaked statistics can be used to manipulate the opinions of the way too many people.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people eventually come to believe it."

The Internet should be a source for information and opinions too. Sadly too much of that information is just propaganda used to manipulate too many sheep who don't know enough to verify what they read. Goebbels' job is a lot easier today.