Hi Yall,

To all yall yanks, canadians, or other people used to this winter wonderland I'm walking in it has been cold here. I am having lower and slightly "chuggy" water pressure on my kitchen sink (both hot and cold)...so far it seems to be only the kitchen sink. It is getting both hot and cold water. I had not been dripping my pipes for the last several days and had wrapped my outside hose bibs with towels and duct tape. But last night it rained, so I imagine those ar giant blocks of ice now...I probably should have seen that coming, but whoops.

I have no idea how my pipes run in the house. But the kitchen sink is in the middle of the room, not up against a wall.

Right now I have the kitchen faucet dripping cold water. As I wait for input I will probably go ahed and drip some of the bathroom faucets as well.

1. Is some pipe in the process of freezing so the flow is constricted but not blocked?
2. Is it odd that it is just the kitchen, especially since it is not on a wall?
3. Should I be dripping water on it, and if so cold or hot make any difference?
4. Do I need to chisel my ice towels off the bibs and replace them with dry ones?

It should be noted, that when I was a younger, singler, and care freer home owner my pipes froze a few times with no leaking/bursting. So, hopefully that wont be an issues.

Thanks yall, as always, any advice is helpful. Any advice that does not have me outside with boiling water and chisel will be more helpful . Not only because I am not built for cold, but because I have work to do.